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The Mystery of Who You ARE

If you were born to change everything.

There is no way you can, will, or should fit into a place that is simply too small for you.

Be it a place, an idea, a school, a school of thought, a religion, or an idea of a spiritual Path.

That is not to say you can't take in any or all of that if that is called for, only that you don't identify with it too much.

Even the idea or an ideal, or a religion, or any education you may receive is just that: an idea.

And you are not here to a slave to ideas or ideals.

You are here to become a SOURCE of them.

You have come here to be a creator of worlds and a prophet of words.

Knowing full well YOU don't really matter.

This is not about you or even about your own sacrifice, whatever you perceive that to be,

You are NONE of that and ALL of that, you are vast, and you contain multitudes, as a wise poet once said.

You are here to live your life to the fullest and BE-COME poetry.

You are here to transcend everything you THINK you are.

You are an ongoing exploration into the depths of your gentle, supremely vulnerable, and infinitesimal MYSTERY of who you ARE.

And my friend, do not be afraid of the rain, simply follow the Rainbow.

And may your journey in and through the 9 worlds and beyond be worthy of the Mystery that has and eternally WILL keep giving itself to you

Like the Icelandic Volcano.

Like the double Night Rainbow on Maui.

Like the ancient Stones, mimicking stars and the gentle Greats

That gave it ALL and MORE in their neverending quest to KNOW THEMSELVES and the Mysteries of Nature and the Spirit of the Galaxies encircling God in their own


And little one :

Have faith and don't be afraid of the LIGHT within


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